Source code for floweaver.weave

import attr
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools

from .dataset import Dataset
from .sankey_data import SankeyData, SankeyNode, SankeyLink
from .augment_view_graph import augment, elsewhere_bundles
from .view_graph import view_graph
from .results_graph import results_graph
from .color_scales import CategoricalScale, QuantitativeScale

from palettable.colorbrewer import qualitative, sequential

# From matplotlib.colours
def rgb2hex(rgb):
    'Given an rgb or rgba sequence of 0-1 floats, return the hex string'
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple([int(np.round(val * 255)) for val in rgb[:3]])

[docs]def weave(sankey_definition, dataset, measures='value', link_width=None, link_color=None, palette=None): # Accept DataFrames as datasets -- assume it's the flow table if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame): dataset = Dataset(dataset) # Calculate the view graph (adding dummy nodes) GV = view_graph(sankey_definition) # Add implicit to/from Elsewhere bundles to the view definition to ensure # consistency. new_waypoints, new_bundles = elsewhere_bundles(sankey_definition) GV2 = augment(GV, new_waypoints, new_bundles) # XXX messy bundles2 = dict(sankey_definition.bundles, **new_bundles) # Get the flows selected by the bundles bundle_flows, unused_flows = dataset.apply_view( sankey_definition.nodes, bundles2, sankey_definition.flow_selection) # Calculate the results graph (actual Sankey data) GR, groups = results_graph(GV2, bundle_flows, flow_partition=sankey_definition.flow_partition, time_partition=sankey_definition.time_partition, measures=measures) # Default link width is same as default measure if link_width is None: if not isinstance(measures, str): raise ValueError(('If you set a complicated measure function, ' 'you need to set link_width too.')) link_width = measures if callable(link_width): get_value = lambda link, measures: link_width(measures) elif isinstance(link_width, str): get_value = lambda link, measures: float(measures[link_width]) else: raise ValueError('link_width must be a str or callable') # Default link color is categorical scale based on link type if link_color is None: link_color = CategoricalScale('type', palette=palette) elif isinstance(link_color, str): link_color = CategoricalScale(link_color, palette=palette) elif not callable(link_color): raise TypeError('link_color must be a str or callable') # Set domain for quantitative colors, if not already set if hasattr(link_color, 'set_domain_from'): link_color.set_domain_from([data['measures'] for _, _, data in GR.edges(data=True)]) # Package result links = [ make_link(get_value, link_color, v, w, m, t, data) for v, w, (m, t), data in GR.edges(keys=True, data=True) ] nodes = [ make_node(u, data) for u, data in GR.nodes(data=True) ] result = SankeyData(nodes, links, groups, GR.ordering.layers) return result
# maybe this function should be customisable? def make_link(get_value, get_color, v, w, m, t, data): link = SankeyLink( source=v, target=w, type=m, time=t, title=str(m) ) return attr.evolve( link, value=get_value(link, data['measures']), color=get_color(link, data['measures']), ) def make_node(u, data): return SankeyNode( id=u, title=data.get('title'), style=data.get('type'), direction=data.get('direction', 'R'), # XXX not setting hidden here -- should have logic here or in to_json()? ) def prep_qualitative_palette(G, palette): # qualitative colours based on material if palette is None: palette = 'Pastel1_8' if isinstance(palette, str): try: palette = getattr(qualitative, palette).hex_colors except AttributeError: raise ValueError('No qualitative palette called {}'.format(palette)) from None if not isinstance(palette, dict): materials = sorted(set([m for v, w, (m, t) in G.edges(keys=True)])) palette = {m: v for m, v in zip(materials, itertools.cycle(palette))}