Source code for floweaver.sankey_definition

import attr

from . import sentinel
from .ordering import Ordering

# SankeyDefinition

def _convert_bundles_to_dict(bundles):
    if not isinstance(bundles, dict):
        bundles = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(bundles)}
    return bundles

def _convert_ordering(ordering):
    if isinstance(ordering, Ordering):
        return ordering
        return Ordering(ordering)

def _validate_bundles(instance, attribute, bundles):
    # Check bundles
    for k, b in bundles.items():
        if not b.from_elsewhere:
            if b.source not in instance.nodes:
                raise ValueError('Unknown source "{}" in bundle {}'.format(
                    b.source, k))
            if not isinstance(instance.nodes[b.source], ProcessGroup):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Source of bundle {} is not a process group'.format(k))
        if not b.to_elsewhere:
            if not in instance.nodes:
                raise ValueError('Unknown target "{}" in bundle {}'.format(
          , k))
            if not isinstance(instance.nodes[], ProcessGroup):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Target of bundle {} is not a process group'.format(k))
        for u in b.waypoints:
            if u not in instance.nodes:
                raise ValueError('Unknown waypoint "{}" in bundle {}'.format(
                    u, k))
            if not isinstance(instance.nodes[u], Waypoint):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Waypoint "{}" of bundle {} is not a waypoint'.format(u,

def _validate_ordering(instance, attribute, ordering):
    for layer_bands in ordering.layers:
        for band_nodes in layer_bands:
            for u in band_nodes:
                if u not in instance.nodes:
                    raise ValueError('Unknown node "{}" in ordering'.format(u))

[docs]@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True) class SankeyDefinition(object): nodes = attr.ib() bundles = attr.ib(convert=_convert_bundles_to_dict, validator=_validate_bundles) ordering = attr.ib(convert=_convert_ordering, validator=_validate_ordering) flow_selection = attr.ib(default=None) flow_partition = attr.ib(default=None) time_partition = attr.ib(default=None) def copy(self): return self.__class__(self.nodes.copy(), self.bundles.copy(), self.ordering, self.flow_partition, self.flow_selection, self.time_partition)
# ProcessGroup def _validate_direction(instance, attribute, value): if value not in 'LR': raise ValueError('direction must be L or R')
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class ProcessGroup(object): """A ProcessGroup represents a group of processes from the underlying dataset. The processes to include are defined by the `selection`. By default they are all lumped into one node in the diagram, but by defining a `partition` this can be controlled. Attributes ---------- selection : list or string If a list of strings, they are taken as process ids. If a single string, it is taken as a Pandas query string run against the process table. partition : Partition, optional Defines how to split the ProcessGroup into subgroups. direction : 'R' or 'L' Direction of flow, default 'R' (left-to-right). title : string, optional Label for the ProcessGroup. If not set, the ProcessGroup id will be used. """ selection = attr.ib(default=None) partition = attr.ib(default=None) direction = attr.ib(validator=_validate_direction, default='R') title = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(str)))
# Waypoint
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class Waypoint(object): """A Waypoint represents a control point along a :class:`Bundle` of flows. There are two reasons to define Waypoints: to control the routing of :class:`Bundle` s of flows through the diagram, and to split flows according to some attributes by setting a `partition`. Attributes ---------- partition : Partition, optional Defines how to split the Waypoint into subgroups. direction : 'R' or 'L' Direction of flow, default 'R' (left-to-right). title : string, optional Label for the Waypoint. If not set, the Waypoint id will be used. """ partition = attr.ib(default=None) direction = attr.ib(validator=_validate_direction, default='R') title = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(str)))
# Bundle Elsewhere = sentinel.create('Elsewhere') def _validate_flow_selection(instance, attribute, value): if instance.source == and not value: raise ValueError('flow_selection is required for bundle with same ' 'source and target')
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class Bundle(object): """A Bundle represents a set of flows between two :class:`ProcessGroup`s. Attributes ---------- source : string The id of the :class:`ProcessGroup` at the start of the Bundle. target : string The id of the :class:`ProcessGroup` at the end of the Bundle. waypoints : list of strings Optional list of ids of :class:`Waypoint`s the Bundle should pass through. flow_selection : string, optional Query string to filter the flows included in this Bundle. flow_partition : Partition, optional Defines how to split the flows in the Bundle into sub-flows. Often you want the same Partition for all the Bundles in the diagram, see :attr:`SankeyDefinition.flow_partition`. default_partition : Partition, optional Defines the Partition applied to any Waypoints automatically added to route the Bundle across layers of the diagram. """ source = attr.ib() target = attr.ib() waypoints = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(tuple), convert=tuple) flow_selection = attr.ib(default=None, validator=_validate_flow_selection) flow_partition = attr.ib(default=None) default_partition = attr.ib(default=None) @property def to_elsewhere(self): """True if the target of the Bundle is Elsewhere (outside the system boundary).""" return is Elsewhere @property def from_elsewhere(self): """True if the source of the Bundle is Elsewhere (outside the system boundary).""" return self.source is Elsewhere